Thursday, October 4, 2007

Exercise of the Week

I see you! You, yes you! You are sitting there on the couch, it's been a long day and all you want to do unwind with some uninterrputed, quality couch-time playing video games. Well, before you reach for the xbox controller and continue your Halo 3 game how much exercising have you done today? How much water have drank today? And, just how much time do you plan on spending playing Halo 3? Whats that you say? You can't possibly exercise today because it is raining outside. Oh, you drank a Mountain Dew at lunch today? Well, my friend grab yourself a glass of water and toss the Xbox for the Nintendo WII. Create your MII and start bowling, hit some homeruns, try to sink a hole-in-one, knock someone out boxing and be sure to drink plenty of water because you will get sweaty! Have fun and stay out of the rain!!

Now, read this:

Posted By: Ashley

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